I can help you develop a tailor-made self-development and self-branding program that positions you as a person of quality and value; I can help you in developing, managing and marketing your talents, skills and competencies.

“To conquer self is the best and noblest victory. To be vanquished by one’s own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat.”                       

 - Plato

Want to gain personal power, impress others with your strong qualities, and improve your charisma and power of influence?
Want to be taken seriously, so that people will respect you, value you, hire you or bring you business?
Want to succeed out there on your own in this age of competence, skill economy and global knowledge environment?
Then you need to partake in my monthly PERSONAL GROWTH CLASSES.

These short but powerful personal transformation sessions will equip you with the skills, attitudes, qualities & expertise you need to be stunning, awesome, arresting, prominent, sensational, noteworthy, peerless and significant.
If you would like to build a personal power that gains you recognition and reward, so that people won’t overlook you, disregard you and sidestep you...
If you indeed want to live to the fullness of your potentials without shortchanging yourself and achieving less than you ought to…

Then you need to book a seat in my PERSONAL GROWTH WORKSHOPS.
Below is a list of the courses that run in these workshops that help you take advantage of the option of self-development to improve your value and increase your bottom line:




DO IT NOW!: Managing and overcoming Procrastination


SELLING YOURSELF: How to effectively market your talents and skills


ANGER MANAGEMENT: Controlling your emotions & pains


CONFIDENCE MANAGEMENT: Building Self-Esteem and Personal Confidence


SELF-BRANDING: Building a powerful personal quality that sets you apart and increases your worth and value


THE EFFECTIVE EXECUTIVE: The 12 Skills you require to excel and fly high in your work


THE WOW! PRESENTER: How to package and deliver presentations that hit the mark


EMPLOYEE TO ENTREPRENEUR: How to venture out of the job and market your skills in your own business


HOME-BASED BUSINESS: Creating alternative and multiple income streams from the comfort of your home


THE RELATIONSHIP BUSINESS: The most effective strategy for building and maintaining lasting relationships


THE JOB-HUNTER’S SECRET: How to get a good job in 60 Days …or less


ASSERT YOURSELF: How to speak confidently   and effectively communicate with others


THE ROAD TO PERSONAL DISCOVERY: How to know who you are, what you are capable of, and how you can effectively live out your true potential


RAISE THE BAR: How to improve your performance by improving your motivation and input


SOCIAL SEDUCTION: How to win new friends, influence people and build profitable networks


FEAR MANAGEMENT: how to control fear and find courage to act in moments when you lose faith


LIFE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: How to set goals for the 7 most important areas of your life


PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Sure-fire strategies for earning, managing and multiplying your money


WORK-LIFE BALANCE: How to effectively manage your priorities at home and at work to achieve optimal productivity


AWAKEN YOUR INTELLIGENCE: How to overcome limiting mental blocks to tap into the power of your brain


100 BUSINESS IDEAS: Low-entry barrier business opportunity areas you can venture into now… with little or no start-up capital